International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Nature Resources 国际自然资源保育联盟
acoustic reflective method 声波反射法
all reflective light 光的全反射
anti reflective 减反射
anti reflective coating 增透膜
anti reflective film 等效烷碳数(EACN); 增透膜
Anti- reflective film 减反射膜系
Anti-reflective 增透; 抗反射; 减反
anti-reflective coating 抗反射涂层
anti-reflective coatings 增透膜; 减反膜
Anti-reflective Film 增透膜; 减反膜
Anti-reflective films 减反射膜
anti-reflective multi-layer coatings 多层反射膜; 多层介质反射膜
Anti-reflective performance 最优控制; 减反性能
Awareness of reflective teaching 反思性教学意识
Bistable Reflective Cholesteric Display 双稳态反射型胆甾相液晶显示
bottom anti-reflective coating 底层抗反膜
coating technology of new type reflective and ornamental surface 新型反光装饰镀膜技术
cognitively reflective 认知反省的
cold reflective mirror 冷反光镜